Homily. Easter Sunday Apr 5 2015. St. Albans Church
Readings: Acts 10.34-43; Ps 118.1-2,14-24; 1 Cor
15.1-11; Mark 16.1-8
“Michael, are you sure you
finished that reading?”
Really? That’s it? Is that the way the story ends? Because if that’s the way the Easter story
ends, what are we doing here this morning?
I guess we’re lucky we have
more than just Mark’s gospel. We have
Peter’s speech to Cornelius which talks about Jesus appearing to witnesses who
ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead. We have Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. The Corinthians had doubts about the
resurrection, and so Paul points them towards the more than five hundred
people, most of whom were still alive, who saw the risen Christ. Maybe Mark didn’t get the memo, because his
Easter story finishes in terror and silence.
It’s a strange, if not
shocking, ending. Usually when we read a
book, or when we watch a movie, we want some sort of closure at the end. A conclusion that answers the unanswered
questions, that resolves whatever conflict had been driving the plot forward, that
ties together the loose ends.
And isn’t that what Easter
is supposed to do for us? Answer the
unanswered questions, resolve the conflict and tie together the loose
ends? We’ve heard the story of Jesus
ministry, of his teaching and healing, of the misunderstandings with his
disciples and the conflict with the authorities which climaxes on that dark day
that we now call Good Friday. We want
Easter to provide us with some closure, to tell us that even though things
looked bad, it turned out alright after all and everyone lived happily ever
after. Butterflies and flowers and all
Instead Mark finishes with
this: “So the women went out and fled
from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing
to anyone, for they were afraid.”
Why do you think that Mark
finishes his gospel this way?
I think that the reason Mark
finishes his gospel like that, is because he’s trying to tell us that story isn’t
over yet! In fact, maybe it’s just
getting started.
Sometimes we want it to be
over, we’d just love to say all’s well that ends well, shout some alleluias,
sing some hymns and then return to our normal lives, feeling just a little bit
pumped up, with a ticket to heaven in our backpockets.
The three women, Mary
Magdalene, Mary and Salome, they just wanted it to be over too. It had been a rough ride, and they were looking
for a little closure. They got up early
in the morning to go and visit the tomb of their friend who had just died. Why did they go? The same reasons that we go to visit the
graves of our loved ones. Out of a sense
of duty, which in their world meant that they needed to anoint the body and
give it a proper burial. To pay their
respects. To shed some tears. To get
some closure, to bring an end to this turbulent, traumatic chapter of their
lives so that they could just get back to normal.
So the women got up early in
the morning to go to the tomb. They
thought the big question they would face when they got there was what to do
with the stone that covered the entrance.
But they were wrong. It turned
out that the big question they faced at the tomb was not what to do with the stone,
but what to do with their lives.
Because when they arrived at
the tomb, the stone had already been rolled away. And when they entered the tomb they saw a
young man in a white robe sitting on the right side. They are terrified. This wasn’t what they were expecting. There is no closure here. There’s certainly no normal. The young man tells them that Jesus is not
there. He has been raised, he has gone
ahead of you to Galilee, and he wants you to follow him.
And if those words have a
familiar ring, maybe that’s because way back in the first chapter of Mark’s
Gospel, back in Galilee, the first words that Jesus said to his disciples were
these: “Follow me.”
“Follow me.” The two most disruptive words those women had
ever heard. The two words that started
all this craziness. Jesus isn’t lying in
the tomb. He has been raised. But he isn’t just hanging around the tomb
waiting for someone to show up. He’s on
the move, and he’s asking us to follow.
And if you do that, there’s no going back to normal. The craziness starts all over again. The women are given no plan, there are no
details about what’s in store, just a next step. This is your mission if you choose to accept it: meet me in Galilee.
And so by the end of Mark’s
gospel, the story isn’t over yet, not by a long shot. But who’s left? The male disciples, we were told that they
took off when Jesus was arrested. Jesus
has gone on ahead. And in that final
sentence that Mark gives us, even the women flee from the tomb, for terror and
amazement had seized them, and they say nothing to anyone. Who’s left?
The only one left at the end
of Mark’s gospel is the reader, that is you, and me, oh, and the young man with
the message from God. The message is this: that Jesus is going on ahead and he wants you
to follow him.
The story isn’t over
yet. It’s Easter, the tomb is empty and
you are being called to follow Jesus.
What happens next?
Today, four members of our
community are taking up the invitation to follow Jesus by renewing their
baptismal vows. I would encourage you to
seek out Meibh, Leah, Billie and Alan today or sometime soon, and ask them why
they are doing this, why have they decided to follow Jesus and make that public
declaration today. Because their stories
too, are very much part of the Easter story that we are celebrating this
The reason that Mark never
finishes his gospel story is so that we can be part of the story. And how’s that going to play out? How do you respond?
There’s no closure. There’s no going back to normal. This is just the beginning. The story is still unfolding because you’re
part of it. It’s Easter, the tomb is
empty and you are being called to follow Jesus.
What happens next?
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