Lessons from the Journey
of the Magi
Readings: Mt 2:1-12; Ps 72;Eph 3.1-12;Is 60:1-6
That’s what happened
to the wise men from the East in today’s gospel reading. But let’s start from the beginning. Around the time of Jesus birth, there were
astrologers in the East, likely in Persia
or Iraq ,
who observed a new star in the night sky.
They understood this to mean that a child had been born as king, and so
they set out on their westward journey across the desert to seek for the child
and to pay homage to him. Now this
wouldn’t be an easy trip. It would be a
long, challenging journey through difficult terrain, a trip that would take
them months. And so as they loaded up
their camels with supplies for the journey, they also brought along various
scrolls and texts that would help guide them on their way.
One of the books that
these wise men would have consulted would have been the Hebrew scriptures, the
collection of scrolls that we call the Old Testament. And after diligently pouring through the
scriptures they would have found the same texts that we heard in our readings
today. They would have read Psalm 72,
which tells of a great king who will be born in the land of Israel ,
a king who will rule righteously, a king who will rescue the poor and bring
peace. This sounded like the king they
were searching for, the one for whom the star had risen. But where would he be born?
As they continued to
search the scriptures, they would have come across the poem addressed to the
city of Jerusalem
by the prophet Isaiah which proclaims to the city:
“Arise, shine: for
your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Nations shall come to your light and kings to
the brightness of your dawn. A multitude
of camels shall cover you. They shall
bring gold and frankincense, and shall proclaim the praise of the LORD.”
“Aha!” they would
have exclaimed. It is to Jerusalem that we must
travel, to greet the child who has been born king. This all made sense. Where else would you expect the new king to
be born? Jerusalem
was the capital city, the city of kings, the political and religious centre of
the people of Israel . Its temple was famous throughout the ancient
world. It was a city of great buildings
surrounded by thick walls. In the land of Israel , it was the home of the rich, the
powerful and the famous. Surely this was
where the new king would be born.
And so they traveled
across the desert, spurred on by the knowledge of where they were heading. And when at last they saw Jerusalem, that
great city on the hill, lit up by the rays of the morning sun, “surely,” they
would have said, “surely we have arrived at our destination”.
But when they went in
through the gates, and up to the palace of the king, they were just as surely
disappointed. They were looking for a
child who had been born king, one who would rule in justice and bring
peace. Instead they found King Herod, an
old man who was frightened and suspicious, a corrupt puppet king of the Roman Empire who preserved his rule by playing one
faction off against another, not a righteous king but a ruthless one who would
slaughter children if necessary to preserve his throne.
The wise men had
arrived at their destination, but they soon realized that they were in the
wrong place. But at least they had the
sense and humility to ask for directions.
“The child we are looking for, the one who is to be the king of the
Jews, the Messiah, where is he to be born?”
King Herod called all his scripture scholars together and they too
searched the Old Testament as the wise men had until they found another passage,
this one from the prophet Micah:
“And you Bethlehem, in
the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah, for from
you shall come a ruler who is to shepherd my people Israel”
Bethlehem was a
village about 15 kilometers south of Jerusalem.
Bethlehem was only a day’s journey from Jerusalem , but it might
as well have been in another world. It
was a small, dusty peasant village, a place where the land was so poor that
raising sheep was the main form of agriculture.
When the wise men arrived in Bethlehem ,
they must have been disappointed. Who
would ever expect to find a king there?
And yet they entered the tiny village, and found a little hut made of
clay brick, and inside was a mother with her child.
And it is at this
point that the magi showed their wisdom:
in the midst of that humble setting, in the midst of the poverty, in the
vulnerability of a mother and child who were probably terrified when these
strangers came to the house, the wise men were able to recognize the One whom
they were seeking. And they paid him
homage, offering him their precious gifts, and then returned to their country
by another road.
This is the journey
of the magi, a journey that we remember each year as we celebrate
Epiphany. Are there any lessons that we
can draw from their journey? Well, I
think that there are.
The first lesson from
the journey of the magi is this:
When you see a star,
follow it!
As humans, we are
meant to journey. That’s what we were
made for. So when you see a star, don’t
just sit there, get up and get going. Sometimes
we might be talking about a real physical journey, a trip that takes us
somewhere. At other times we’re talking
about our life journey, the human journey, the spiritual journey that all of us
are on. When the wise men saw the star,
they were proactive. They got on their
camels and off they went. We should do
the same. Let me give you an
example. How many of you would like to
have a better relationship with someone, with your spouse or your sibling, or
your child or parent? Well that’s a
star. Now, how many of you actually did
something about it during these Christmas holidays. That would be the first step of the
journey. When you see a star, follow
But don’t go empty
handed. Like the wise men, take a travel
guide on the journey with you. It might
be a companion who knows the way, or like the wise men, it might be a
book. It might even be the same book
that the wise men used, the Bible. Don’t
assume that you know it all, or that as you journey you’ll figure out the way
on your own. Wise people learn from the
wisdom of others. On your spiritual
journey, and all of life is a spiritual journey, learn from others who have
walked the path before you. Take a
travel guide with you on your journey, and use it. That’s a second lesson.
The third lesson that
I take from the journey of the magi is this:
When lost, ask for directions.
Now I know that this might be more difficult for the men here than the
women, but it applies to all of us. When
the magi arrived in Jerusalem
and realized that they were in the wrong place, they didn’t just turn around
and go home, nor did they travel on blindly.
Instead, they asked for directions.
Whenever you journey, you head into the unknown. From time to time, you will get lost along
the way. When you do, ask for
directions. Sometimes that might mean
asking fellow travelers, sometimes it might mean asking those who have passed
that way before you, sometimes it might mean prayer. When lost, ask for directions.
The fourth lesson I
take from the magi’s journey is this:
Have the wisdom to recognize what it is you’re looking for, even if it
doesn’t look like you expected it to.
The magi had the wisdom to see the glory of God in the child Jesus, even
though they saw none of the kingly trappings that they were expecting. We need this same wisdom on our journey. One example of this is the search for
happiness. Many of us are seeking
happiness, and we have our own expectations about what happiness will look
like. We might expect it to look like a
good job with a good salary, a four bedroom house in a good neighbourhood, a
family with two kids and a dog and an indexed pension. But if we get too focused on what we expect
happiness to look like, we may not recognize it when it shows up in a mud brick
hut with a dusty floor. We could say the
same of our search for God. Have the
wisdom to recognize what you’re looking for, even if it surprises you by
looking different than what you expected.
The fifth lesson from
the magi is straightforward. On your journey,
offer gifts. Journeys aren’t about
getting, they’re about giving, giving the very best you have to those you
encounter on the way. All that we are,
all that we have is a gift from God, and it has been entrusted to us for a time
so that we can offer it as a gift to others.
And the final lesson
that we can draw from the journey of the magi is this: If you find what you’re looking for, don’t be
surprised if you have to return home by another road. Our life journeys are meant to be
transformational, they are meant to change us, to bring us closer to the person
that we were created to be. It is this
capacity to journey, this capacity to be transformed by our experiences that
makes our human lives so exciting.
There you go, six
lessons for the journey courtesy of the wise men from the east. May God bless you richly on your journey.
in part on:
O’Driscoll, “Kingly Presence” The
Christian Century,
December 27, 2003, p.18.
Brueggermann, “Off by Nine Miles”, The Christian Century, December
19-26, 2001, p. 15.
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