Homily: Yr C Proper 11, June 16 2013, St. Albans
Readings: 1 Kings 21:1-21a; Ps 5:1-8; Gal 2:15-21; Luke
Justification by Faith
by faith. It is perhaps the key
theological doctrine of Christianity. In
Paul’s era, these three words propelled the Jesus movement from a small Jewish
sect to a racially and ethnically inclusive faith that spread to the ends of
the earth. In Martin Luther’s era in the
16th century, these are the words that launched the Protestant
Reformation and radically reshaped the configuration of the Christian church as
we know it in our time and place.
today’s reading we have reached the heart of Paul’s letter to the Galatians,
his thesis statement for the gospel of grace.
Some of you will remember that two weeks ago we talked about the various
gospels on offer. We talked about the
gospel of exchange, the one that the other guys were proclaiming to the
Galatians, the one that says “if you do this, then you’ll be good with God.” And then there’s the gospel that Paul proclaimed,
the one that says “You’re already good with God, now, just as you are. Everything that needed to be done has already
been done by Jesus.” And you’ll remember just how adamant and excited Paul was
about leaving the gospel of exchange behind and learning to trust in the gospel
of grace, about getting out of that rental car lot and out onto the open
highway without going backwards. Last
week we talked about what it takes to trust in something or someone, and how
Paul told his story, and appealed to experience, both his and ours in order to
make his case.
this week, in the portion of the letter we read today, just in case we’ve
forgotten what’s at stake, Paul lays out once more the gospel of grace which he
know that a person is justified not by the works of the law but through the
faith of Jesus Christ. And we have come
to trust in Christ Jesus so that we might be justified by the faith of Christ
and not by doing the works of the law, because no one will be justified by the
works of the law.”
unpack this a little. First of all, let’s
notice that Paul’s gospel is Christ-Centred.
Christ is mentioned eight times in six verses. Christ is the pivot about which this whole
justification thing turns. And what is
justification? Justification means to be
made right with God. It is about the gift
of, the restoration of, our relationship with God. Or, as I’ve put it more colloquially, to be
justified is to be good with God. And
what does it take to be good with God?
It takes faith, the faith of Christ.
Not works of the law. Not
circumcision. Not following dietary
rules. Not indulgences. Not good behavior or moral living. Not being part of the in group. Not going to church or being baptized or
inviting Jesus into our hearts. No says
Paul, we are justified by faith.
of you may know that my daughter Michelle is finishing Grade Twelve this year,
and so in a couple of weeks Guylaine and I will be attending her High School Commencement. Last week Michelle brought home the tickets
that we’ll need to attend. And as she
handed them to me she asked a good question.
Why is it called a Commencement anyways?
Commencement means, after all, “the beginning”. And from the perspective of a high school
student, high school graduation looks much more like an ending than a
beginning. So I tried to explain in my
fatherly way that while it may look like an ending, graduating from high school
is really a new beginning. It’s the
beginning of life as an adult, it’s the beginning of a new phase in life where
you get to make choices about what you will do next, work, travel, college,
university, where you’re going to live, what courses and profession you’ll
pursue. In all these ways, your
commencement really is a new beginning.
And after patiently listening to what I thought was my thoughtful and
inspirational response, Michelle said, “They should just call it graduation.”
could ask a similar question about “justification”. In a lot of Christian discourse, especially in
times and places which seem to favour a “ticket to heaven” theology,
justification is seen as the end game, the point of the whole Christian thing.
It’s what we’re working towards. We want
to be justified, made right with God, so that we get to go to heaven. It’s kind of like a graduation.
for Paul, justification is much more like a Commencement. It’s a new creation, the start of a new
life. We can see this from the images
and metaphors that he uses. Justification,
Paul tells us, is being born, or adopted, as a child of God. And birth is a new beginning, not an end in
itself. Being justified, Paul tells us,
is like being released from slavery or being let out of jail. It’s a chance to live a new life, a life of
as we talked about a couple of weeks ago, this freedom thing that Paul is
proclaiming, well that makes people nervous.
It especially makes people in positions of power or authority kind of
nervous, and it makes people who like to control their own destiny and earn
their own way in life a bit uncomfortable.
And so there is always the temptation to go back to the gospel of exchange,
back to a conditional system in which we take back a little control, back to
the familiar ways of our world.
here’s one way we do it.
says that we are justified by faith. By
whose faith? Well by my faith I suppose. I am justified by my faith. My faith in what? Well, my faith in Jesus. And what does that mean? Well it means that I believe that Jesus is
the Son of God, that he is God incarnate, fully human and fully God, the second
person of the Trinity, and that he was crucified for my sins and was raised
again and ascended to God’s right hand and he shall come again to judge the
living and the dead. And that I try to
follow his teachings, and when I fail I confess my sins and . . .
you see what just happened there? All of
a sudden we went from Paul’s gospel of grace to some sort of understanding that
says I will be justified if I give intellectual assent to the creeds and
doctrines of the church and follow the prescribed practices. My being good with God all of a sudden is
made conditional on something that I do or don’t do. Kind of like “If you do this, then you’ll be
good with God.” Which is exactly the
gospel of exchange that Paul is fighting against in Galatia isn’t it?
see there’s nothing wrong with doctrines and creeds and intellectual assent to
theological propositions, there’s nothing wrong with ethical living or
following certain practices. These are
good things, they are helpful things, in many ways. But they can never be made conditions for our
justification. Because as Paul puts it,
if justification comes through these things, then Christ died for nothing!
says Paul, we know that we are justified by the faith of Christ. Now the Greek phrase that Paul uses is
actually “pisteos Christou” which can be translated in two different ways. The first translation is that we are
justified by the faith of Christ. The
second is that we are justified by faith in Christ. Both translations are equally plausible, and
as you can imagine, this has been a subject of debate for theologians for
centuries. But I think that both
translations are helpful and therefore it is likely that Paul actually intended
the double meaning.
we are justified by the faith of Christ.
It was Christ’s faith, his absolute trust in God that led to the cross
and in so doing opened relationship with God to all people. It is because of Christ’s faith, not ours,
that we are good with God, justified, reborn as children of God. But this is just the beginning of our new
life, and in order to start living the life that has been given to us, we have
to trust it, we have to trust this gospel of grace and that is why our faith in
Christ matters. You see, Paul doesn’t
just want to teach the gospel of grace, he actually wants to usher people into
living it. Justification is just the
beginning. We have been born as children
of God. So how then do we live?
puts it this way: “I now live by faith
in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
does it look like when we live that way? That’s where we’ll start next week.
our open space, you may want to start reflecting on what life looks like when
you trust in the gospel of exchange, and, conversely, what life looks like when
you trust in the gospel of grace. A good
place to start would be with the story that we heard from Luke in today’s
gospel reading with its contrasting portraits of Simon the Pharisee and the
unnamed woman who anoints Jesus feet.
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