Homily: Yr C Easter 3, April 14 2013, St. Albans
Readings: Acts 9:1-20;
Ps 30; Rev 5:11-14; John 21:1-19
Peter and Paul
(an interactive homily)
lots of material for us in today’s readings and there are many different
directions that we could go in. We could,
for example, try to answer one of the questions that has stumped theologians
for centuries: why is it that Peter,
totally naked, decided to get dressed before he jumped into the water?
I’m going to leave that for you to figure out on your own. Instead, I want to turn to the two great
commissioning stories that we just read, one after the other today. The first is often referred to as the
conversion of Paul and the second as the reconciliation of Peter.
and Paul were the two great leaders of the early church. The best known of the apostles, the greatest of
the saints of the church, the ones that get most of the press in the New
Testament. In a way it’s surprising that
we find them together in our lectionary readings today because Peter and Paul
were very different people.
was the uneducated fisherman, called by Jesus as a disciple, who was with Jesus
from the beginning of his ministry. He
spent three years with Jesus and was one of his closest friends. Peter was an impulsive leader, quick to speak
up and take initiative, but often getting it wrong, saying and doing the wrong
things. You remember some of those
moments. When Jesus asked the disciples,
“Who Am I?”, it was Peter who responded “You are the Messiah”. Peter was the first to recognize Jesus as the
Messiah, the chosen one sent by God.
But he refused to believe that the Messiah would have to suffer, and
Jesus had to rebuke him in no uncertain terms, saying “Get behind me Satan.”
the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus is arrested, Peter is the one who pulls
out a sword cuts off the ear of the High Priest’s slave, and Jesus has to tell
him to put his sword away.
when Jesus tells the disciples that he is going to his death, Peter claims that
he is ready to follow him and lay down his life for Jesus. Yet, when confronted after Jesus’ arrest, it
is Peter who denies Jesus three times.
after Jesus’ resurrection, it is Peter who becomes the acknowledged leader of
the early community of Christians and the rock on whom the church is built, who
defies the authorities, preaches passionately and performs great works of
on the other hand was a very different person.
Paul was an educated theologian and a Roman Citizen. He never met Jesus during his lifetime – his
encounter was with the risen Christ as we heard in our reading today. Paul was the one who had the great conversion
experience that we read about today. He
went from being someone who rounded up Christians and put them in jail to the
greatest of the Christian missionaries, who traveled the Roman Empire building
up Christian communities and preaching the gospel.
Peter was impulsive, Paul was a thinker.
After his encounter with Christ, he went away for three years to Arabia
and Damascus to consider and think about what had just happened to him, what it
meant and how he was to respond. But
when he did get it figured out, he was passionate and had a tremendous sense of
Peter’s ministry was at the centre of the Christian community, Paul’s ministry
was on the edges. His mission was to the
Gentiles. He pushed the limits of
Christian practice and understanding. He
raised the difficult questions, such as whether Gentiles needed to follow the
Jewish law?
Peter was the acknowledged leader and apostle, Paul was always fighting to
establish his credentials. Paul was often
embroiled in conflict, and he wasn’t shy about explaining why he was right. He even came into conflict with Peter. One of the first great decisions of the early
church was how to deal with non-Jews.
Though Peter and Paul worked out an agreement on this, at one point,
Paul was so upset with Peter that in his letter to the Galatians he tells them
that he “opposed Peter to his face”. I
imagine that Paul probably wasn’t an easy person to get along with.
number of years ago, around the time when the Lord of the Rings movies had just
come out, I used to do youth group retreats using the Lord of the Rings as a
theme. And one of the things I used to do
on these retreats was to ask the youth which character in the Fellowship of the
Ring they identify with?
I thought I’d ask you the same thing this morning. Who do you identify with, Peter or Paul? Are you more like Peter or Paul?
tend to identify more with Paul. I’m not
sure why, it’s a bit of a gut instinct thing.
Perhaps because I’m not as impulsive as Peter. I like to think things through like Paul, but
once I’ve done that I can be quite passionate about my point of view, sometimes
even a bit abrasive like Paul. I also
like the way Paul works at the edges and pushes the limits, in terms of mission
and in terms of his theology.
about you? How many “Peter’s” have we
got here? How many “Paul’s”?
good that we have both “Peters” and “Pauls” in our community, because we need
both in the church. We need the Peters
that are the acknowledged leaders, the ones that have learned from their
mistakes, and we need the Pauls who are passionate thinkers who push the
boundaries of our faith.
knows that we need both Peters and Pauls. In today’s readings he commissions both Peter
and Paul, he gives both of them jobs to do. But did you notice that he does it in two very
different ways, and that he gives them two very different missions?
Peter he says, “Feed my sheep”. In fact
he says it three times.
Paul he says, “Proclaim the gospel. Bring
my name before peoples and kings.” And
immediately after his sight is restored, Paul goes into the synagogues and proclaims
that Jesus is the Son of God.
church has been commissioned by Jesus to both “feed my sheep” and to “proclaim
the gospel”. That’s why we need both our
Peters and our Pauls.
have those who in the tradition of Peter are good at “feeding the sheep”. They provide leadership, care and nurture for
the community. They are the good
shepherds who seek the lost, bind up the injured, strengthen the weak, and rescue
and gather the sheep. They look after
the needs of the community.
have those who in the tradition of Paul, “proclaim the message”. They are persistent, like fighters and
goal-oriented like athletes. They
convince, rebuke, encourage and teach. The message they proclaim is the good news of
Jesus Christ, and they proclaim that message by words and by actions. I always remember the words of St. Francis of
Assisi, another of our great saints, who said “proclaim the gospel; and if
necessary, use words.”
so again I turn to you. How do you see
your ministry in the church? Do you put
more emphasis on “feeding the sheep” or on “proclaiming the gospel”?
is important for us as a congregation that we are able to take up both of these
commissions, the commission of Peter to “feed my sheep” and the commission
given to Paul to “proclaim the gospel”.
We need to figure out how to do both of these things here in our time
and place. How do you think we’re doing?
my experience we in our churches are pretty good at the “feed my sheep” part of
things. We’ve been blessed with caring,
compassionate people who look after each other. I know that I’ve certainly been the recipient
of such caring and compassion from my church community, particularly in times
of need.
are we doing at proclaiming the gospel?
of us find that to be a bit more of a challenge. Maybe we’re not used to proclaiming the
gospel, we’ve gotten out of practice. Well
since it’s the Easter season, the season of resurrection, maybe we should
practice a bit. In fact, maybe you could
just take a minute to turn to the person next to you and in the spirit of this
Easter season, share with them one area, one time or place, that you experience
God as alive and present in your life.
we hear and reflect on the stories of Peter and Paul, of their encounters with
the risen Lord, it is an opportunity for us to reflect on how we’re doing and
where we’re going as a community in response to the two great commissions that
have been passed on to us.
the gospel.
my sheep.
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