Homily: Yr A Transfiguration, Feb 26 2017, St. Albans
Readings: Exodus 24.12-18; Ps 99; 2 Pet 1.16-21, Mt 17.1-9
Six Days Later …
Everything had been going so
well. The week before, Jesus had taken
Peter and the disciples up north, to the outskirts of the Roman city of
Caesarea Philippi. There, overlooking
the enemy city, overlooking the soldiers’ barracks, he had asked his disciples,
“Who do you say I am?” And it was Peter
who had responded, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.” Jesus had been pleased, he had praised Peter
for his response, and he had chosen Peter as his leader, the rock on whom he
would build his church. Peter was
honoured and thrilled and determined to take his role seriously.
So when Jesus turned away from
the Roman enemy at Caesarea Philippi to go to Jerusalem, when Jesus began to
teach his disciples that he must undergo great suffering at the hands of the Jewish
authorities, that he would be arrested and put to death, and on the third day
be raised, Peter objected. Peter wouldn’t
listen to Jesus. He had a different
understanding of what it means to be the Messiah and so he pulls Jesus aside,
and begins to rebuke him, saying this must never happen to you.
And that’s when Jesus lets him
have it. He turns to Peter, and with
everyone listening, Jesus says to Peter, “Get behind me Satan. You are a stumbling block to me.” Strong language.
Have you ever screwed up? Tried your best but failed? Tried to understand something but just not get
it? Been chewed out and put down in
front of your friends or your colleagues?
If so, then maybe you can relate to Peter, maybe you can relate to where
Peter was at that very moment and how difficult the next six days must have
been. Confused, angry, remorseful,
bitter, dejected – all of the above?
Six days later, Jesus takes
Peter, and James and John with him and leads them up a high mountain. I don’t imagine he gave them much of an
explanation why, after all, what explanation could you possibly give for what
was about to unfold.
On the mountain top, Jesus was
transfigured before them, his face shining like the sun and his clothes
becoming dazzling white. And there
appeared with him Moses and Elijah, talking to him. It is an awesome moment, a moment of
transcendence, a once in a lifetime experience for Peter. And so Peter gets excited, and he starts
talking, he starts talking about making three dwellings, one for each of them,
he wants to capture the moment somehow. But
then a bright cloud overshadows them, and a voice from the cloud says, “This is
My Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased.”
And then, continues the voice: “Listen to him!”
But Peter had refused to
listen to Jesus, in fact he had argued with him, had rebuked him.
“Listen to him!” The last words Jesus had said to Peter were “Get
behind me Satan! You are a stumbling
block to me.”
“Listen to him!”
Peter collapses, falls to the
ground, overcome by fear.
Have you been there? Afraid?
Overcome? Overwhelmed? Knowing
you’ve screwed up, feeling like a failure?
If you have, then I want you to pay close attention to what happens
Peter is lying on the ground
like a corpse, as good as dead. But
Jesus comes to him and touches him, and says, “get up.”
“Get up.” “Be raised up”. This is resurrection language. These are the same words which will be used at
Easter when God raises Jesus from the dead.
Get up.
No matter how bad it gets,
Jesus cares about us and Jesus has the power to raise us up. To give us new life. And so we don’t have to be afraid. Get up and do not be afraid.
Jesus called Peter to be the
rock on whom he would build his church.
Peter screwed up royally on his first day on the job. He fully expected to be fired, or worse. But that’s not how God works. Even in our weakest moments, even in our
moments of failure, God will raise us up to do the things he has called us to
For Peter, the transfiguration
of Jesus was a life-changing event. In
our new testament reading from the letter that bears Peter’s name we hear how
as an old man, Peter looked back to that mountain top experience as the pivotal
event that confirmed his faith in Jesus as Lord. Did he look back to that vision of Jesus with
Moses and Elijah, his face shining like the sun, his clothing dazzling
white? I’m sure he did. Sometimes we can really use the occasional
glimpse of glory on the mountain top to encourage and inspire us as we slog our
way through everyday life in the valley.
We long for moments of transcendence, those moments when we get a
glimpse of God.
But I also believe that Peter
looked back to the transfiguration as the day when he was lost but then
found. The day when he was dead but then
raised to new life. The day that he was down
and overwhelmed by fear, but then Jesus came to him, touched him and said “Get
up, and don’t be afraid.”
And it’s the same for each one
of us. Jesus doesn’t just call the best
and the brightest to be his disciples.
He calls us. He calls us with our
strengths and our weaknesses, with our hopes and our fears, with our insights
and our misunderstandings. He calls us
as we are, and when we screw up, and we will, he will come to us, and gently
touch us and say “Get up, and don’t be afraid.”
For he has the power to raise us up.