Homily: Yr A P26, Sept 28 2014, St. Albans
Readings: Ex 17.1-7; Ps 78.1-4,12-16; Phil 2.1-13; Mt
Your Minds”
What do you think? A man had two sons; he went to the first and
said, “Son, go and work in the vineyard today.”
He answered, “I will not”; but later he changed his mind and went. The father went to the second and said the
same; and he answered, “I go sir” but he did not go.
Which of the two did the
will of his father? The first.
God wants us to change our
And that’s a problem. Because changing our minds can be really
Paul Calandra is the Member
of Parliament who was widely ridiculed this week for not answering questions in
the House of Commons. On Friday he
rose in the House to apologize for his conduct.
He realized that he had been wrong, he said that he’d thought about how
his own father would have been ashamed of him, and as he spoke, he cried, right
there on the floor of Parliament.
Changing your mind can be really hard.
God wants us to change our
minds. God knows that changing our mind
can be really hard. And so God creates
space for us to change our minds.
The Father in Jesus’ parable
says to the first son “go and work in the vineyard”.
“I will not”.
You can imagine the gasp
from Jesus listeners. This was a culture
in which sons didn’t refuse their father’s order to work in the vineyard. It was an act of rebellion, a breaking of the
relationship. How would the father
respond? Would he force him to go, would
he get angry, would he kick him out of the house and cut off his inheritance?
This father does none of these
things. As far as the story tells us, he
does nothing; and later, we don’t know how much later, the son changes his mind
and goes. The father did nothing –
nothing, except to create some time and space for the son to change his mind
and to go to the vineyard of his own accord.
And as we step out of the
parable into the larger story of today’s gospel, we see that it too is all
about Jesus creating space for the chief priests and the elders of the people
to change their minds.
The dramatic confrontation
between Jesus and these leaders in today’s gospel takes place the day after
what we would call Palm Sunday, the day that Jesus made his triumphal entry
into Jerusalem to the cheering of crowds who acclaimed Jesus as King and Messiah. And the very first thing that Jesus did when
he entered Jerusalem is go straight to the Temple and drive out all the buyers
and the sellers, and overturn the tables of the moneychangers and those who
sold sacrificial doves.
And the Chief Priests and the
elders, the people in charge of the Temple, they are thoroughly pissed, and
they resolve to get Jesus.
So when Jesus has the nerve
to show up in the Temple again the next day and to start teaching the crowds
that gather around him, the Chief Priests and elders confront him.
“By what authority are you
doing these things and who gave you this authority?”
Jesus doesn’t answer their
question right away, and instead poses a question of his own. Why does Jesus do this? Sometimes I’ve heard it said that Jesus his
trying to outfox them, to outsmart them at their own game. But I don’t think so. I think that what Jesus is trying to do is to
create some space for the chief priests and elders to change their minds. Which would be consistent with what Jesus has
been trying to do for people since the very beginning of his public ministry. Do you remember the very first word that
Jesus spoke when he began in Galilee?
Repent. Change your mind. Repent, for the kingdom of God has come near.
And so Jesus asks the chief
priests a question about the baptism of John.
Do you remember what the baptism of John was about? John proclaimed a baptism of repentance for
the forgiveness of sins.
Repentance. A changing of
minds. There it is again.
And when Jesus asks his
question, “did the baptism of John come from heaven, or was it of human origin,”
it causes the leaders to argue amongst themselves, and in that argument, their
agenda and concerns are brought to light.
“If we say, ‘from heaven’,
he will say to us, ‘why then did you not believe him.’ And that would make them look bad, foolish, hypocritical.
But if we say, “Of human
origin’ we are afraid of the crowd; for all regard John as a prophet.” And that would be dangerous, for a rebellious
crowd might draw the intervention of the Roman military, and that might put the
authority of the leaders, and the prestige and privilege that go with it, at
The question and the
argument expose the chief priests as schemers, as those who act out of ambition
and self-interest, rather than any desire to seek the truth and do the will of
God. The question of what is actually
true about the origins of John’s baptism doesn’t even enter into their
calculated response.
And so even as they finally
agree and utter their pathetic “We do not know,” surely at least some of them
have glimpsed a truth about themselves. I
think that’s what Jesus’ question was designed to do, to give the leaders a
chance to see their own truth. Because
often the first step in changing our minds is to get a glimpse of the truth
about ourselves. That’s what gets us
into the space where a change of mind becomes possible. By Paul Calandra’s own admission, it was when
he realized that he was behaving in a way that his own father would have been
ashamed of that he changed his mind.
But to simply glimpse the
truth about ourselves is just a start. Jesus isn’t finished yet. Having created a space for repentance, he
opens it up a little more. He knows that
it’s hard for us, he knows that it takes time.
“What do you think?” It’s an invitation to dig a little deeper, to
open up a little more.
“A man had two sons.” Jesus tells a story, but not just any
story. It’s a story about a man who
had two sons. There are lots of stories
about a man with two sons. Cain and
Abel. Isaac and Ishmael. Esau and Jacob. The prodigal son and the elder brother. And all of these stories have something in
common: a surprise ending which involves
a reversal.
“He said to the first, ‘Son
go and work in the vineyard today.’ He
answered ‘I will not’; but later he changed his mind and went. The father went to the second and said the
same; and he answered ‘I go, sir’; but he did not go.”
The story is simple, sparse,
lacking in detail. But the message is
clear. “Which of the two did the will of
his father?”
They answered, “the first.”
When our initial response is
to oppose the way of God, and it often is, we need to change our minds and go.
Jesus is calling on the
chief priests and elders to change their minds.
He’s created some space for this to happen. And we know that at least one of them did
change his mind. We are told in John’s
gospel that Nicodemus stood up for Jesus, and at Jesus’ death, he arranged a
proper burial for the body.
But most of the leaders
refused to change their minds, and they left the temple to plot Jesus’
Changing our minds is hard. Because God is calling for more than just a
simple admitting that we were wrong about something. He’s calling for big changes.
Paul, who experienced big
changes in his own life, puts it this way in his letter to the Philippians:
Let the same mind be in you
that was in Christ Jesus,
Who, though he was in the
form of God,
Did not regard equality with
As something to be
But emptied himself,
Taking the form of a slave
Being born in human likeness
And being found in human
He humbled himself
And became obedient to the point
of death,
Even death upon a cross.
That’s what we’re being
called to. A change of mind that would
have us look not to our own interests but to those of others. A change of mind that would have us do
nothing from selfish ambition or conceit. A change of mind that would have us in
humility regard others as better than ourselves.
That’s hard. That takes time. That’s why Jesus creates space for us. In fact you might even say that our whole
lives, maybe even this whole universe have been created as a space for us to
change our minds.
What do you think? A man had two sons; he went to the first and
said, “Son, go and work in the vineyard today.”
He answered, “I will not”; but later he changed his mind and went.